Digitální účastnické přípojky xDSL na metalických místních vedeních se staly běžnou součástí života mnoha lidí. Vedle toho začíná postupně pronikat do podvědomí veřejnosti nová zkratka FTTx (Fiber to the …) označující řešení přístupových sítí na základě optických vláken. Základní přehled poskytl již článek Optické přístupové sítě a na něj navazující článek Optické přístupové sítě EPON […]
Introduction to BOTDR
B-OTDR Brillouin reflectometer BOTDR (Brillouin optical time domain reflectometer). Another kind of reflectometers is based on the Brillouin scattering. In the typical reflectometers the Rayleigh scattering is employed for analysis. The BOTDR reflectometer utilizes the phenomenon of the inelastic Brillouin scattering, related to generation of acoustic wave at frequency fB. The signal resulting from the […]
What is WiMAX ?
WiMAX is one of the hottest broadband wireless technologies around today. WiMAX systems are expected to deliver broadband access services to residential and enterprise customers in an economical way. Loosely, WiMax is a standardized wireless version of Ethernet intended primarily as an alternative to wire technologies (such as Cable Modems, DSL and T1/E1 links) to provide […]
What you should know about DOCSIS 3.1
This Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), Instructor Led course covers key standards and concepts from DOCSIS 1.x through to 3.1. It provides hands-on DOCSIS experience and establishes important foundational knowledge needed for configuring bi-directional channel bonded services and other advanced-service features. While examples of implementing DOCSIS services on the Cisco cBR-8 may be […]
How to choose the right MPO Cassette
Low Insertion Loss. The lower the insertion loss, the more MPO cassettes that can be used in the channel—and the greater flexibility you have in your DC topology. Compatibility with Low-DMD Fibers. A cassette using low-DMD fiber is already compatible with systems using low-DMD fiber. This allows the ISI penalty to be reallocated to the […]
для PON имеется несколько различных технологий
Тип APON (PON с ATM) BPON (Широкопол. PON) GPON (Gigabit-PON) EPON (Ethernet PON) Протокол ATM ATM ATM и СЕМ Ethernet + FEC Стандарт ITU-T С.983.1 (включая Поправку 1) ITU-T С.983.3 ITU-T С.984 IEEE 802.3ah Архитектура Симметричная: FTTCab/B/C/H Ассиметричная: FTTCab/B/C Симметричная: FТГСаЬ/В/С/Н Ассиметричная: FTTCab/B/C Симметричная: FTrCab/C/H/Вдля многоквартирных домов (MDU); FTTB для бизнеса Ассиметричная: FTFCab/C/H/B-MDU lOOOBASE-PXlO 1000BASE-PX20 […]
Optical Testing Tools In FTTH
The following is a list of optical testing tools used for FTTH networks: VFL (visual fault locator) Continuity check up to 5km, break/bend visual identifier for fibre along patch panel/hub areas Fibre link construction and troubleshooting at locations where fibres are accessible.
FTTH Fiber to the Home FAQ
Q. What is FTTH fiber to the home ? A. FTTH (Fiber to the home) is the delivery of a communications signal via optical fiber from the operator’s central office all the way to a home or business, thereby replacing existing copper infrastructure such as telephone wires or coaxial cable. Fiber to the home is […]
Fiber Characterization by Fiber Optic Test Equipment
The following specification is the fiber testers and specification for a cable before delivery. 1. Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) — sends a laser pulse through the fiber and detects the return signal strength as well as the transmitting time. This test shows the overall character of the fiber strand including splice loss, splice numbers, connectors, […]
FTTH (fiber to the home) Project Time Line
The complexity of starting up an FTTH project does not often get highlighted as much as it should. A small but dedicated team will be needed to establish the viability of the project. Distinction should be established between planning, designing, building and operating an FTTH network. Different skills are required and therefore it is likely […]