Some key applications for initial IPTV deployment are the delivery of digital broadcast television and userselected video on Demand (VoD). These applications enable service providers to begin offering the “triple play” – video, voice and data. Additional video applications, which can be enabled after the IPTV infrastructure is in place, are also mentioned below. Some […]
IPTV System Overview
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is a rapidly maturing technology for the delivery of broadcast TV and other media-rich services over a secure, end-to-end operator managed broadband IP data network. IPTV broadly encompasses a rich functionality that ranges from the acquisition, encoding and decoding, access control and management of video content, to the delivery of digital […]
Splice Loss Test Standards
Standards relating to splice loss measurement methods and test equipment are summarized in Appendix B. Again, we identified a number of important gaps: TIA 455-34A, the most widely recognized and comprehensive standard, does not mention the geometry error or nominal tolerances for test fibers, e.g. core concentricity, which is specified in Telcordia GR-765. Neither standard addresses […]
FTTH/P network benchmarking in Slovenia
Market and regulatory overview In June 2011, Slovenia had a broadband penetration rate of 60.7% of households. There are three major broadband providers, led by Telekom Slovenije (TS) (42.7%), T-2 (18.9%) and Telemach (16.3%). Tus Telekom, Amis and other smaller broadband providers make up the remaining 22% market share At the end of September 2010, […]
FTTH/P network benchmarking in France
The French broadband market is dominated by the incumbent France Telecom (FT, 42.8% market share) and alternative DSL operators Iliad (Free) (21.8%) and SFR (22.8%). Numericable, the single cable operator, has a 4.2% share of the broadband market. Smaller operators, including Bouygues Telecom, share the remaining 7.3% of broadband subscribers. The three main operators – […]
Efficiency and prudency of Tarluz’s fibre network
Analysys Mason considers that NBN Co’s design of its FTTP network reflects an efficient and prudent network design. In particular: ► Technology decisions NBN Co’s decision to implement Gigabit passive optical network (GPON) for the massmarket segment prudently implements the requirements of the Australian Government under its Statement of Expectations. NBN Co’s decision […]
Understanding Zero Water Peak Fiber
For several years, the optical fiber user community has been rapidly shifting from traditional single-mode fibers to new “Full Spectrum” single-mode fibers meeting the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) G.652D specification. These Reduced Water Peak (RWP) fibers are considered Full Spectrum because the reduction of loss in the water absorption spectral region (the E band) allows […]
Understanding Polarization Mode Dispersion
Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) is a serious problem that can limit distances and data rates in a single-mode optical fiber system. PMD is a time varying quantity that degrades system bandwidth and is costly to mitigate. It affects network reliability and is becoming more evident as network speeds increase. The impact of PMD was first […]
Understand Fiber Attenuation
Attenuation is the reduction or loss of optical power as light travels through an optical fiber. The longer the fiber is and the farther the light has to travel, the more the optical signal is attenuated. Consequently, attenuation is measured and reported in decibels per kilometer (dB/km), also known as the attenuation coefficient or attenuation rate. Attenuation varies depending […]
Numerical Aperture (NA)
Numerical aperture (NA) is a critical performance specification for multimode fibers. It indicates the maximum angle at which a particular fiber can accept the light that will be transmitted through it. The higher an optical fiber’s NA, the larger the cone of light that can be coupled into its core. Graded-index multimode fibers have a […]