This Fiber Optic Stripper is specially designed for stripping 250 and 900 micron buffer coating to expose 125 micron cladded fiber, the Second hole for stripping 2-3 mm fiber jacket, moreover, it with factory preset and will not scratch or nick glass fiber. The weight is 119g, and length is 165mm (4.2oz, 6.5in)

All stripping surfaces are manufactured to precise tolerances to assure clean, smooth strips, Comfort-grip, ergonomic handles. the operator easily lock the tools closed if not use it.
Warning! Read carefully and understand instructions before using this tool. Please do no use this tool on live electrical circuits, it may result electrical shock. Always use OSHA/ANSI or other industry approved eye protection when using tools. This tool is not to be used for purposes other than intended. This tool is not for cutting wire or Kevlar, only used for stripping fiber optic coatings.
1. The larger stripping notch at the tip of the tool can be used to remove fiber jacket, ranging in sizes 2mm to 3mm. Grasping the tool firmly, close the tool around the jacket and strip-off the jacket material.
2. If there are Kevlar® strength members, cut them using a “Kevlar® cutter”, such as the Miller KS-1 or 86-1/2SF Kevlar® shears.
3. The smaller stripping notch closest to the pivot point is designed to remove, in a single operation, the 900μm &
250μm coatings to expose the 125μm fiber (900μm & 250μm are removed at the same time).
a. Insert the fiber into the small notch.
b. Close the tool squarely with the fiber. Close completely, but do not squeeze hard. Depending on the fiber construction, angling the tool slightly may improve the stripping.
c. Draw the tool towards the end of the fiber, exerting steady pressure. We recommend several short strips to achieve the desired finished length.
Note: Always make sure the fiber stripping notch is clean and clear of any debris. The tool may be cleaned using the Miller FS400 Bifurcated Foam Tip Swipes, which contain 99% isopropyl alcohol. Failure to keep the tool clean may cause the fiber to break.