FTTH Network

NG-PON2 de Próxima Geração

A tecnologia PON de próxima geração, NG-PON2, vai aumentar a capacidade até pelo menos 40 Gbps downstream e até, pelo menos, 10 Gbps upstream. Múltiplos sistemas de XG-PON1 operam em diferentes pares de comprimentos de onda, em esquema DWDM, de modo a que eles possam ser “empilhados” na mesma fibra física. Além de TWDM-PON, outras […]

FTTH Network

XG-PON1 de Próxima Geração

A tecnologia XG-PON1 disponibiliza débitos de 10Gbps downstream, combinados com débitos de 2,5 Gbps upstream. Herdou a formatação da trama e a camada de controlo da GPON, disponibilizando todo o tipo de serviços a maiores débitos e com graus de splitagem superiores. Isto adiciona mais funcionalidades e maiores débitos às redes de acesso ótico, sem […]


Huawei Marine to deploy SeaX-1 subsea cable

Huawei Marine Networks has been selected by Super Sea Cable Networks to deploy SEA Cable Exchange-1 (SeaX-1), a subsea cable system linking Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. The submarine system is being targeted for completion by the end of 2017. The 250km undersea fibre-optic cable comprises of high-speed, large capacity, 24-fibre pair of undersea fibre-optic cables that […]

FTTH Network

CATV, MATV, IPTV and SMATV Comparison

MATV (Master Antenna TV). Master Antenna Television or MATV, describes an analog cabling network which is used to distribute various television signals throughout a facility. With the installation of multiple satellite dishes, for centrally subscribing and distribution of any channel, from any part of the world (both Pay and Free TV services) can be delivered […]

Tools and Tool kits


I. Preparing 1) Verify that the machine is plugged in power or the battery capacity is enough; then press     and hold the key until TL-7S fusion splicer booted. 2) In the standby mode, press  to enter “Splice Menu” menu. Move the cursor to [Operation Options]; press to enter. Set [Auto Start] [pause 1], [pause 2] […]