The unrelenting demand for band width in the enterprise, and the resulting need for high-capacity, high-performance computing, is generating ever-faster network speeds. But 100 gigabits per second (Gb/s)? This would have seemed like a pipe dream 10 years ago, but it is now a fact of life in today’s enterprise networks and data centers. What, […]
Macrobend Detection Using an OTDR
On a transmission network, one cause of insertion loss on a fiber link is macro bending. This is commonly caused by tight installation or handling. As Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) networks lead to a significant increase of fiber installation in the last mile, the space constraints become increasingly stringent. This is driving the need for distributions hubs […]
Optical Splitter
In 2012, a leading market and technology analysts announced the Asia Pacific region (APAC) region leads in the consumption of Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) splitter compact devices with 68% of the worldwide value, followed by the American region and finally the EMEA region. The increase of mass FTTx PON network deployment dominates the worldwide PLC […]
Terabit super-channels squeeze 50 per cent more capacity from fibre
In the past week, there have been several successful demonstrations of terabit super-channel transmission using ultra-narrow channel spacings, which can increase overall system capacity by an additional 50 per cent compared to today’s commercial systems. ADVA Optical Networking and T-Systems, the systems and services division of Deutsche Telekom, took part in the ‘Terabit Demonstrator’ project, […]
Coarse WDM and its applications
Coarse WDM and its applications Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM), a WDM technology, is characterized by wider channel spacing than Dense WDM (DWDM) as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.671. CWDM systems can realize cost-effective applications, through a combination of uncooled lasers, relaxed laser wavelength selection tolerances and wide passband filters. CWDM systems can be used […]
Технология PON
PON (Passive optical network) — технология пассивных оптических сетей. Одна из главных задач, стоящих перед современными телекоммуникационными сетями доступа – так называемая проблема «последней мили», предоставление как можно большей полосы пропускания индивидуальным и корпоративным абонентам при минимальных затратах. Суть технологии PON заключается в том, что между приемопередающим модулем центрального узла OLT (Optical line terminal) и […]
Технология CWDM
Технология CWDM доказала свою эффективность для решения задач уплотнения оптических несущих – WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing). Суть этой технологии заключается в том, что потоки данных, передаваемые по отдельным оптическим линиям, с помощью СWDM устройств (CWDM мультиплексоров) cоединяется в единый оптический сигнал, передаваемый по оптоволокну. На ответной стороне выполняется демультиплексирование (обратная операция). Ключевые преимущества CWDM: До […]
Ultrahigh density MPO/MTP cabling system in Data Center
As the data throughput increases, 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s are more commonplace and now become a trend and hotspot for data-center cabling system, plus the fact that MPO/MTP connector is the up-and-coming standard optical interface for 40G and 100G Ethernet network, so it is predicted that MPO/MTP will eventually replace the standards for fiber optics as […]
FTTH Roll Out – Operational Considerations
There are new operational realities in the highly competitive world of FTTH based communication services. This competition has implications for customer service and network expectations. Customers have little loyalty to services so customer interactions become high risk/reward opportunities for building loyalty. The ability to give a live answer with the correct information during a single […]
FTTH Rollout – First Things First
Management of the entire life cycle is our focus and there are at least three aspects of management that work together for success. Vision – what do I want to accomplish? Planning – how can I best accomplish it? Action – doing it Vision is a picture in the mind of the finished accomplishment. For […]