
LTE and WiMAX comparison

Comparison of LTE Rel-8 and WiMAX 802.16e There are a lot of commonalities between LTE Rel-8 and WiMAX, but there are some notable differences. For example:  LTE uses SC-FDMA for the uplink, whereas mobile WiMAX uses OFDMA. LTE user equipment (SC-FDMA) has a lower peak-to-average-power ratio when compared to mobile WiMAX user equipment (OFDMA), […]

Optical Cable


Before any detailed discussion on how to handle optical fiber cable, some brief discussion of fiber and cable design is required. Eliminating confusion between the different terms, and providing an understanding of the cable construction will make handling the products less complicated. Fiber The cable cross-section in figure 1 demonstrates a two fiber cable for interconnect applications. […]

Test and Measurements

How to select AFL OTDR

OTDR Selection Guide Family  Model Pt-to-Pt Network / Fiber Type FTTx PON  OTDR Performance  Integrated Peripherals   MMF/SMF Data Ctr MMF/SMF LAN SMF Core SMF Dark SMF Live  SMF Dark  SMF live Wavelengths (nm) Dyn(dB)Range EDZ/ADZDeadzone(m)  OPM PON OLS OPM VFL M&C-series MMF / SMF LAN / WAN OTDRs M310-25 √ √ √ √ √ √ […]

FEATURES Optical Component

Outline of GR-1221 Test Standards

The GR-1221 standard outlines the environmental and mechanical tests to ensure long term operational performance. The following section provides an overview of each of the test requirements and the importance for compliance. Mechanical Integrity The Mechanical Integrity category consists of three main components which are the Mechanical Shock, Vibration and Thermal Shock. These tests are […]


What is GR-1209 & GR-1221 standard in PLC Splitter

An introduction to GR’s history and objective of implementation of the standard. Also touch on evolution of the standards (recently added requirements for anti-fungus) Telcordia GR1209 & GR-1221 standards outline the generic criteria for passive optical components to ensure continuous operation of the components over its lifetime. The standards specify performance tests to reflect a […]

FTTH Network

PLC Splitter summary

In 2012, a leading market and technology analysts announced the Asia Pacific region (APAC) region leads in the consumption of Planar Lightwave Circuit (PLC) splitter compact devices with 68% of the worldwide value, followed by the American region and finally the EMEA region. The increase of mass FTTx PON network deployment dominates the worldwide PLC […]


Tipos de conexión

Existen diferentes opciones desde la tecnología para acceder al servicio de acceso a Internet, siendo las más frecuentes aquellas en las cuales el acceso hasta el nodo del Proveedor de Internet se efectúa utilizando como medio de transmisión las redes preinstaladas para la provisión de otros servicios (como por ejemplo el servicio de telefonía o […]

Test and Measurements

Kriterien zur Auswahl eines optischen Reflektometers (OTDR)

Dieses White Paper enthält wichtige Informationen zu optischen ZeitbereichReflektometern (OTDR). Weiterhin erläutert es Neueinsteigern auf dem Glasfasermarkt für Telekommunikationsanwendungen die Kriterien zur Auswahl eines OTDRs, das ihren spezifischen Testanforderungen gerecht wird. Was ist ein OTDR? Ein OTDR ist ein Glasfasertester zur Charakterisierung von optischen Netzwerken, die Telekommunikation sanwendungen unterstützen. Die Aufgabe des OTDRs besteht darin, […]

Cable Management

Fiber-optic cable installation tools for aerial, underground projects

General Machine Products Company recently introduced reel-handling accessories for the aerial and underground placement of fiber-optic cable. “These components—The Pole Mount Spindle, the Reel Buck, and the Reel Caddy—are uniquely engineered to make fiber-optic cable installation safer and more productive,” the company said. “All of the accessories feature durable steel construction for years of rugged […]