Optical Cable

Cable attributes Explanation From ITU


Since the geometrical and optical characteristics of fibres given in clause 5 are barely affected by the cabling process, this clause gives recommendations mainly relevant to transmission characteristics of cabled factory lengths. Environmental and test conditions are paramount and are described in the guidelines for test methods.

Optical Fiber
Optical Fiber

Attenuation coefficient
The attenuation coefficient is specified with a maximum value at one or more wavelengths in both the 1310 nm and 1550 nm regions. The optical fibre cable attenuation coefficient values shall not exceed the values found in clause 7.

NOTE – The attenuation coefficient may be calculated across a spectrum of wavelengths, based on measurements at a few (3 to 4) predictor wavelengths. This procedure is described in clause 5.4.4 of [ITU-T G.650.1] and an example is given in Appendix III of [ITU-T G.650.1].

Polarization mode dispersion coefficient
Cabled fibre polarization mode dispersion shall be specified on a statistical basis, not on an individual fibre basis. The requirements pertain only to the aspect of the link calculated from cable information. The metrics of the statistical specification are found below. Methods of calculations are found in [b-IEC/TR 61282-3], and are summarized in Appendix IV of [ITU-T G.650.2].

The manufacturer shall supply a PMD link design value, PMDQ, that serves as a statistical upper bound for the PMD coefficient of the concatenated optical fibre cables within a defined possible link of M cable sections. The upper bound is defined in terms of a small probability level, Q, which is the probability that a concatenated PMD coefficient value exceeds PMDQ. For the values of M and Q given in clause 7, the value of PMDQ shall not exceed the maximum PMD coefficient specified in clause 7.

Measurements and specifications on uncabled fibre are necessary, but not sufficient to ensure the cabled fibre specification. The maximum link design value specified on uncabled fibre shall be less than or equal to that specified for the cabled fibre. The ratio of PMD values for uncabled fibre to cabled fibre depends on the details of the cable construction and processing, as well as on the mode coupling condition of the uncabled fibre. [ITU-T G.650.2] recommends a low mode coupling deployment requiring a low tension wrap on a large diameter spool for uncabled fibre PMD measurements.

The limits on the distribution of PMD coefficient values can be interpreted as being nearly equivalent to limits on the statistical variation of the differential group delay (DGD), that varies randomly with time and wavelength. When the PMD coefficient distribution is specified for optical fibre cable, equivalent limits on the variation of DGD can be determined. The metrics and values for link DGD distribution limits are found in Appendix I.

NOTE 1 – PMD Q specification would be required only where cables are employed for systems that have the specification of the max DGD, i.e., for example, PMDQ specification would not be applied to systems recommended in [ITU-T G.957].
NOTE 2 – PMD Q should be calculated for various types of cables, and they should usually be calculated using sampled PMD values. The samples would be taken from cables of similar construction.
NOTE 3 – The PMD Q specification should not be applied to short cables such as jumper cables, indoor cables and drop cables.