The simplest test we can make on a fiber optical system is to see whether light is getting through and how much is lost. The instruments used for this are called an optical source and a receiver. Together, they form a fiber optic test set. Most fiber optic test sets work with several different wavelengths. […]
Indoor/outdoor tight-Buffered Cable Lowers Installation Costs, reduces time, and Increases reliability
Introduction Fiber optic cable that is capable of surviving the outdoor environment and meets the flammability requirements for use inside buildings offers many advantages to the end-user, as well as the installer and distributor. The use of only one type of cable between and within buildings can save many labor hours and reduce material costs […]
The Challenge for Fiber to the Home FTTH
HD video are required to watch by subsribers, the hair like fiber core able to delivery enomous data from central office to users. fiber optic right now is the remarkable technology for data transmission. Nowadays, its quite economical to use fiber to carry informaiton to the premises, to increase the international communication. This essay is […]
Time for 10G EPONs to Shine
A 10G Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) solution set enables network operators, whether they are operating public or private networks, to deliver bandwidth to users well above legacy EPON or GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) rates. You might be asking yourself, “So what? Why would anyone need a 10G PON solution?” It is true that […]
FAQ: Why should i use G 657 Bend optimized optical fiber
The roll out of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks has been of global importance since the early 2000s, requiring a dedicated single-mode fibre cable Recommendation. As today’s FTTx networks push optical fiber to single-family homes and multiple dwelling units, they require smaller distribution cabinets and compact fiber management systems, where fiber is subject to a greater degree […]
Decrease of the Link PMD by Fiber Exchange and Investigation of the PMD Distribution along Buried Optical Fibers with a POTDR
I. INTRODUCTION The fiber network of most network operators generally comprises a heterogeneous mixture of fibers and cables, produced by different vendors over many different years. Thus, there can be a correspondingly important variation in the physical properties of deployed fibers. Along with fiber attenuation and chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion (PMD) is an important […]
What you should know about ITU-T G 657 Fiber
This content is about 4 what you should know features about G 657 A/B bare fiber in OSP networks. 1. What you should know is about the G.657 standard was developed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to provide consistency in the evolving requirements for bend-insensitive singlemode fiber. This class of fiber enables cost reductions through […]
Top 5 Considerations for choose optical Fiber
In current OSP (Outside Plant) networks, there will involve both SM (Single Mode) and MM (Multimode) fiber. however, because MM is with short transmission distance, so current OSP network is main about SM fiber and operating at wavelengths of 1310nm and 1550nm, (WDM System, wavelengths division multiplexing systems with more wavelengths in the spectrum). In […]
Wofür wird ein OTDR benötigt?
Was ist ein OTDR? Ein OTDR ist ein Glasfasertester zur Charakterisierung von optischen Netzwerken, die Telekommunikationsanwendungen unterstützen. Die Aufgabe des OTDRs besteht darin, Netzelemente an beliebigen Positionen einer Glasfaserstrecke zu erkennen, zu lokalisieren und zu messen. Hierfür muss das OTDR nur an einem Ende der Strecke angeschlossen sein, da es wie ein eindimensionales Radarsystem funktioniert. […]
Drop cable faults type
The huge growth in the number of subscribers with FTTH installations requires different maintenance methods than used previously. This article explains maintenance of the “last one mile” and explains some concrete measurement solutions. Construction of the trunk cable shown in the Figure 2 has been completed to cover 85% of households currently. All that remains […]